Inspired By Excellence & Innovation
Global eHealth Collaborative (GeHCO) is a not for profit organization established to create partnerships and collaborations that support and enable information technology to advance sustainable, quality healthcare.
Global minds, local solutions
With a wealth of experience, global collaborations and partnerships, we are devoted to excellence in teaching, learning, and research, and developing leaders in eHealth. Making a difference to healthcare around the world.
If you prefer to study in your own time and at your own speed then one of our online e-learning packages may be for you.
Alternatively, if you manage an education cohort then speak to us about how we can tailor tools and training to meet your needs.

COVID-19 Preparation Short Course
Ensure you are up to date with the classification and terminology needed to collect quality information about COVID-19.
Clinical Coder Training Tool
eHRol™ can solve these real-world problems with a groundbreaking eHR and clinical coding simulator platform.

Clinical Coding Blog
This is a collection of coding discrepancies and queries for discussion by the coding community – all welcome.
GeHCo publish regular blogs of queries between our clinical coders, reviewers and teachers to inform the coding community. The aim is to engage the community in debate prior to the submission of issues identified to the formal coding query process.
- Focus discussion
- Provide evidence to assist in coding standards and rule development and publication
- Raise awareness of issues within the coding community which might otherwise be missed or dealt with through local coding decisions, without building agreed understanding across the coding community.
eHealth News
A global view of events and developments
New Publication – Roadmap to Digital Health
Find out what works and what does not, where to spend money and where it is wasted. This new publication [...]
Clinical coding course wins online learning award
Victoria University Polytechnic has won a Platinum award in the 2019 LearnX Live Awards for 'Best Learning Model - Online' [...]
OpenEHR Day in Italy
The first Italian openEHR Day took place on 6th June 2019 at the Science and Technology Park of [...]