Why these courses
ICD is the international classification used around the world for reporting of morbidity data, mortality data and often also as the base for financial reimbursement. These courses cover a range of different ICD-10-AM editions used in different parts of the world. GeHCo recommends and uses courses offered by eHealth Education a Recognised Training Organisation with the authority to issue formal qualifications in Clinical Coding. eHE use GeHCo’s clinical coder training tool – eHRol.

Who should do this course
Any person required to produce ICD-10-AM codes from clinical records needs a range of skills, medical knowledge, knowledge of the healthcare system, knowledge and skill at abstracting appropriate data from health records and applying appropriate ID-10 rules and standards. If you are using data represented in ICD there is a need to understand how these rules and standards may impact the information you are trying to obtain.
This is the International Classification of Diseases is published by the World Health Organisation and used around the world for reporting of morbidity and mortality. Many countries have created their own extensions to the World Health Organisation’s publication including the classification of procedures and interventions in healthcare. These classifications are the basis for all public health reporting and management around the world, as well as financial management of healthcare services in many countries.
To use and understand these systems it is essential to understand three components
- the classification itself and how it is used,
- the system used to collect the data – such as the morbidity reporting system
- the rules used to determine what should be reported and which codes are to be applied.
Quality data is dependent upon the quality of the implementation and use of the code system and the courses offered develop practical as well as academically sound skills.
If you need to be able to allocated ICD codes appropriately you should obtain a formal qualification in clinical coding: for ICD-10-AM this is the Diploma of Clinical Coding – offered through our partner eHealth Education. eHE also offer clinical coder training that is less formal for those outside Australia who may not seek the same level of skills.
If you wish to begin a career in clinical coding, or migrate to a new version of ICD visit eHealth Education and view their courses.
There are no pre-requesites but if you already have comprehensive clinical qualifications and experience (such as a previous medical or nursing qualification) you do not have to take the medical terms and knowledge component of the coding course/s.