Learn how to choose code systems and design data collection code sets or value sets to meet your need, today and into the future. This course begins that journey. Whether you are a system designer, HIM, clinician, researcher or other professional it is essential that our systems contain quality data which suits the purpose for which it is collected, and can also support data re-use safely and efficiently.

Who should do this course
Any person responsible for specification or governance of codes used in healthcare systems, EHRs or information exchange
How will I benefit
At the conclusion of this course you will understand the principles of data specification, the impact of the choices made and best practices in data specification
Structure and what to expect
These courses take from 2 hours to 8 hours. The material is designed so that you could do a little each day and conqueror a different topic as you go.
This course is on-line with tutor support (you don’t have to work on your own). The skills are introduced through video presentation/s and you practice through exercises. You may take assessment to confirm your skills if you choose to (this will take you an extra 2 hours).
Text and Materials Provided
The course does not require the purchase of a text book, all materials used in this course are provided, they include:
- Learner’s guide – which acts as a text and reference as well as a guide on how to move through the course
- Presentation – video presentation
- Exercises – tasks for you to do to make sure you understand and give you experience in the issues covered.
- Answers to the Exercises – answers and discussions are provided to assist your progress and understanding.
- Chat room – you may ask questions and chat with the tutor and with other students
- Webinars – are used in some courses to bring the community together. When these occur they are always taped and made available within the relevant course for you to view after the event. Invitations to webinars are circulated to all current students.
- References – to other sites and documents to assist additional learning.
- Assessment – formal assessment of your skills (similar to the exercises but assessed). This is a timed online assessment process.
Professional development certificates of participation are provided at completion of the course. These are issued by the Global eHealth Collaborative. If assessment is undertaken a Statement of Attainment will be provided indicating the skills achieved.
There are no pre-requesites for these courses